We had a great badminton games on 12th,Aug.which was held by West Coast Chamber of Commerce Membership .full of learning about the sport, exercises and lots of fun. A lot of excellent foreign trade sales from 9 companies took part in this activicities. We had more than 100 participants,
Trough the fierce contention of preliminary contest,8 players enter the finals. After the last rounds of fierce competition.6 players from 4 companies won the final prize.
Everyone showed a great deal of sportsmanship in the court during the plays and after, also in and around the campus. They supported and helped each other. We are all very proud of each other participating in the activities. We were extremely motivated and dedicated, which made this game successful. We had fun . we learned, and we are humbled by our experiences, yet we are motivated to push further and get better for next year. Congratulations to all of the athletes who participated this year. Love the game, keep playing and keep improving!